Who writes sf and fantasy? How do they perceive their work, and how is it received?
The two surveys collected here answer these questions, and many more. With in-depth responses from over 120 writers, and detailed analysis, Twenty Years, Two Surveys offers a comprehensive view of the state of British science fiction and fantasy, and charts the changes that have taken place in the field over the last twenty years.
Edited by Paul Kincaid and Niall Harrison, this book was published by Odd Two Out on behalf of the British Science Fiction Association. All proceeds go to the BSFA. Stocks are limited and the book is available on a strictly first come, first served basis.
ISBN 978-0-9558662-1-0
Pages: 212
£9.99 Includes delivery to UK address
ILLUMINATIONS is the first book from Odd Two Out. It is an anthology showcasing original, cutting edge short fiction from eight up-and-coming young British writers.
When British author Gareth L Powell started adding short weekly pieces of flash fiction to his website back in July 2007, he didn't expect anyone else to take much notice. But soon there were seven other writers doing likewise - Paul Graham Raven, Gareth D Jones, Martin McGrath, Dan Pawley, Justin Pickard, Neil Beynon, and Shaun Green. Together, they have become known as the Friday Flash Fictioneers.
Flash fiction stories are complete short stories told in fewer than 1,000 words. Quoting from his introduction to the anthology, Gareth L Powell says: "Adhering to this restricted format can be a valuable exercise for a writer. It's often a lot trickier than it looks. You have to make every word count. Every thing in the story has to be doing something because there just isn't room for extraneous waffle."
The Friday Flash Fictioneers come from diverse walks of life: musicians, office workers, freelance journalists, students, magazine editors and this new anthology collects together the best of their weekly output. Edited by Paul Graham Raven, the pieces in Illuminations range from mainstream literature to far-out speculation; from horror to humour; from outright fantasy to straight-faced space opera.
Illuminations is distributed under a Creative Commons licence : you're free to distribute the contents and to remix them for non-commercial purposes so long as you ensure the original creators receive proper credit. However we hope, given the charitable nature of the project, that you would encourage those you share our work with to make a donation by using the button on this page.
British Science Fiction & Fantasy: Twenty Years, Two Surveys costs just £9.99 (including p&p).
We accept payment by cash or cheque (sterling only, payable to "Martin McGrath") by post to: Odd Two Out, 48 Spooners Drive, Park Street, St Albans, Herts, AL2 2HL
Sorry the print version of Illuminations: The Friday Flash Anthology is now sold out. It is still available as a PDF for a small donation to charity.
If you prefer, you can download lluminations: The Friday Flash Anthology as a PDF. Make a donation and we'll email you the link to the site where you can download a copy of the book.
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